Climate Change Propaganda

Fossil Fuels are big business, with an estimated net worth of US $4.65 trillion per year.

the top 20 polluters.png

Just 20 companies are responsible for more than a third of the cumulative carbon emissions since 1965. With money comes power and these companies are responsible for deliberate misinformation campaigns to debunk the scientific findings so they can keep their market share.  

Common myths are:-

  • the climate changes anyway (well yes it does but it’s the rate and magnitude of change that is the problem)

  • NASA / the BOM made it up or fudged the figures (right, so NASA can land on the moon but can’t measure the weather? We trust the BOM to measure temperature but not monitor climate trends?)

  • The scientists don’t all agree / there isn’t consensus amongst the scientific community. (Actually yes they do and the few that don’t have unscrupulous funding streams and have been debunked by the wider scientific community)

The overwhelming global scientific consensus is that global warming and climate change are caused by humans burning fossil fuels and that the effects are of such a great magnitude that it is an extant threat to humanity. Climate change will kill us. 

For further information read the excellent “America Misled: How the Fossil Fuel Industry deliberately Misled Americans about climate change”

Political Donations: In Australia both major parties accept donations from fossil fuels companies with obvious implications on their influence on government policy. That these companies often pay no tax only adds insult to injury for the Australian people.
