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Climate change and air pollution are closely interlinked. Many pollutants are generated by the combustion of greenhouse gases including vehicle emissions, coal-fired power plants and industrial furnaces. In the developing world a major source of air pollution is domestic cooking where solid fuels, kerosene and coal are used in open fires. Add to this air pollution from dust storms and fires and we have a major health problem.  

Air pollution is responsible for more than 6 million deaths per year, a number which is expected to increase. Tackling air pollution by decreasing emissions is a win in terms of reducing global warming and exposure to pollutants.

Air pollution increases our risk of asthma and COPD, pneumonia, lung cancer, stroke and heart attacks. All of these conditions can be fatal. As individuals we can protect ourselves by staying indoors on high pollution days, wearing face masks and not smoking.


Asthma is a very common respiratory disease which is made worse by climate change. Asthma is caused by inflammation which causes constriction and swelling of the airways, making it harder to breath. Asthma symptoms are shortness of breath, chest tightness, coughing and wheezing. Risk factors for asthma include dust, smoke, inhaled allergens, animal dander and respiratory infections. Asthma is more common in people with a personal or family history of eczema, asthma and hay fever.

Asthma can be rapidly fatal.

If you have asthma consult with your doctor for management advice. Asthma can be well controlled if treated properly with prescription medication.

If you are having an asthma attack take your reliever medication, sit quietly, exhale through pursed lips and try to stay calm. Get help by calling for an ambulance on 000.If you encounter a person having an asthma attack, help them. Try to keep them calm, locate and use their inhaler and call for an ambulance on 000.






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