Vision Statement

Climate Medicine


Like many people I meet, both personally and professionally, I think constantly about the climate crisis. I can’t remember when I last went a day without thinking about the mess our planet is in. I worry about what the climate crisis means for me and my family and I worry about the health of our beautiful world.

We are alive at the most important time in the history of humanity. We are alive at the time where the future of life as we know it hangs by a thread. Our modern era is a time of mass extinction, with whole ecosystems threatened as biodiversity is lost.

We have 10 short years to transform our world from nature destroying to nature restoring.

That’s an overwhelming statement but we must hold onto hope and act. We must all be involved in transforming our planet and bring whatever skills we have to the table.

This is why I have started Climate Medicine.

As a doctor it is my responsibility to look after people’s health and I am not doing that if I am not addressing the great crisis of climate change. I have approached climate change as I would any other health issue, looking at its causes, its effects and how to address these to create a treatment plan. I hope this will help other doctors and the general public understand the problem and find guidance in treating it.

I know that we can treat climate change, we just have to get on and do it.

Our planet is worth saving and so are we. 

Dr Kate Wylie



Date 1st posted: 14/2/2020