
Individual Actions




As individuals it may seem that our actions are insignificant but collectively these actions add up to create major changes. Each individual can have massive effects on the world depending upon what they choose to do. Greta Thunberg is one person, so is David Attenborough and Donald Trump. We all need to take ownership for our actions because treating climate change requires concerted action from everybody. No-one gets to sit this one out, climate change affects us all.


  1. LEARN for your climate. We all need to understand the problem. LOOK IT UP. The Emissions Gap Report is a great place to start.

  2. TALK for your climate. Talking to each other helps us learn and helps us network to create positive change. Most Australians are concerned about climate change so we don’t need to be shy.

  3. EAT for your climate. Eating more plants and less meat, eating locally sourced food and not wasting food can dramatically reduce our footprint. The Planetary Health Diet is designed to both limit warming and feed the planet.

  4. WATER for your climate. Water is a precious resource. We can act to conserve water, with rain water tanks and urban design and we can support policies that prioritise peoples water needs over those of mining and water intensive crops.

  5. PLANT for your climate. Get in the garden, grow your own food and get involved with tree planting schemes. Trees use carbon dioxide to grow and are our best tool to reduce atmospheric carbon.

  6. POWER for your climate. Switch to a renewable energy provider and turn off the gas. Buy panels and a battery if you can afford to.

  7. TRANSPORT for your climate. Use public transport, walk or cycle whenever you can. Look at getting an electric car or a hybrid. Try not to fly.

  8. FINANCE for your climate. Divest your banking, super and insurance from institutions that support fossil fuels to those that don’t. Invest ethically and support businesses that are trying to do the right thing.

  9. VOTE for your climate. It is vital that we have a political response to the climate crisis. Compare the parties climate policies and think climate when you vote. Contact your representatives and tell them to act on the climate crisis. Sign petitions, write letters, visit politicians and attend peaceful protests.

  10. ACT for your climate. Ask yourself what you can do to help? Maybe you can get involved with a local tree planting group. Maybe you’re good with finances and can help your friends divest. Maybe you have a new and novel idea that could make a positive change. Why not try it out?

    Now is the time for us all to act to save our planet.